Hi all,
on prompting by a user we have discovered an error with our website. The email contact form was issuing an error and not sending emails out to us.
After the primary domain was changed from glamcider.wales to llancider.wales the recaptcha was not altered to the new domain. This caused the web email form to bug out without generating an obvious error message.
It has now been fixed. We are very sorry if you have been emailing us about our cider making demonstration day or open days and wondering why we have not replied. If you resend the emails we should now receive them.
Once again, my sincerest apologies. I am reminded why I hate modern technology and would much rather be on my tractor in the orchard!

Error 42
The interwebs are playing up again. I'd rather be on my tractor mud and all. Just don't open your mouth when you drive an open top tractor with tyres wider than the mud guards, you will get a mouthfull of 'orchard'!